I'm not sure if humans detect changes in photoperiods, but it sure seems as if I can sense a change in the last week or two. I feel as if I'm turning the page on summer and heading into fall. Although I like fishing, it feels as if there's a pull towards getting ready for fall and the long (dare I say it?) winter. The wood needs to be split and stacked; berries are ripening and need picking; decoys need some prep work; and wild rice beds need to be scouted.
Tonight I picked some choke cherries to use in wine. I'm not sure why, as there are choke cherries in the freezer from two years ago. Maybe it was that internal solar clock telling me it is time to fatten up (not that I need any help.) More than likely it is that innate sense that hunters and gatherers have inside. We know that when the berries are ripe its time to harvest. We know that when the birds are flying, work can wait another day. Come December, we'll only have the berries we harvest this time of year. There's no chance of berry picking at Christmas. After hunting season, there are only tales to share and plans to hatch.
Fall is approaching, so take the time to enjoy the remaining days of summer. It's also a great time to get out and begin preparation for the fall. Make a list of gear that needs to be replaced, augmented, and repaired.
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