Hunters love wildlife and need wildlife. We understand the precarious balance mother nature runs in keeping wildlife populations healthy. We also know that mother nature needs WILDlife to maintain that balance. Wildlife is not meant to be domesticated. Mother nature doesn't want or need domesticated deer, bear, baby birds, etc.
I am forever frustrated by people that think a fawn lying curled up in the grass has been abandoned by its mother. Wildlife does not have the same needs or exhibit the same behaviors as humans. A fawn or other baby animal is adapted to be left alone for periods of time and to survive on its own at a young age. Mother nature can get along just fine without human interference.
Let's call the do-gooders that pick up these "poor orphaned babies" what they are: thieves. They are stealing this year's recruitment from the wild. This is the same as any poacher shooting a deer. They are stealing a baby from it's mother. They are disrupting the natural events in nature's cycle.
Hunters and nature lovers, we need to help spread they word that this thievery is unacceptable.
It's summer!!! Even in northern Wisconsin.